Why is my refrigerator leaking water? (2022 guide) – MarketWatch

What Causes a Refrigerator To Leak Water?

There are a few reasons refrigerators leak. While the issue can be as simple as the tilt of your refrigerator, the root cause can be more serious. Here are five common reasons why your refrigerator might be leaking.


What Causes a Refrigerator To Leak Water?

There are a few reasons refrigerators leak. While the issue can be as simple as the tilt of your refrigerator, the root cause can be more serious. Here are five common reasons why your refrigerator might be leaking.

Improper Tilting

While most items in your home should be level with the floor, your refrigerator isn’t one of them. It should have a slight backward tilt to ensure the door closes and the coolant runs properly. If you’ve moved your fridge or completed a kitchen floor renovation, it may not be tilted correctly. 

To check, place a level atop your fridge, perpendicular to its doors. If the bubble isn’t moving slightly to the left, your fridge isn’t at the right angle. To fix the issue, follow these steps:

  1. Remove the cover from the bottom front of the fridge, known as the grille or kick plate.
  2. Find the fridge’s two front legs.
  3. Based on your need, use an adjustable wrench to raise or lower the two legs. If your fridge is leaning too far forward, increase the length of the leg by turning it counterclockwise. If your fridge is leaning too far back, decrease the length of the leg by turning it clockwise.
  4. Before putting the cover back on, confirm you have the right angle by placing your level on the fridge again and checking where the bubble stops moving.

Frozen Water Supply Line

A frozen water supply line is only an issue for refrigerators with ice makers or water dispensers. If your refrigerator has these features, the water line running through them may be clogged or frozen. Various factors can cause this issue, including improper freezer temperature or broken door gaskets.

To check whether your refrigerator is experiencing this issue, follow these steps:

  1. Unplug your refrigerator and pull it away from the wall. To find the water supply line, look for a clear line made of flexible plastic or braided metal.
  2. Check the supply line’s connection points. If you spot a leak at this location, use an adjustable wrench to tighten the connection.
  3. If your connection points are secure and you still notice a leak, shut off the water supply line between your home and fridge. Remove the water line and bring it to your local hardware store to get a replacement.

Note: If you’re unsure how to shut off your water or remove the supply line, contact a trusted plumber. Incorrectly replacing your line can cause serious damage that leaves you with a bigger mess than you began with. While waiting for the plumber to arrive, you can still use your fridge with the water supply connection turned off.

Drain Pan Damage

Your refrigerator’s drain pan collects some of the water it naturally leaks, helping to prevent floor damage and slipping. Typically, this pan is durable plastic, but drain holes or cracks can develop over time. If your refrigerator is leaking water from the bottom, check whether your drain pan is damaged by following these steps:

  1. Remove the grille or kick plate from the bottom front of your refrigerator.
  2. Search for the flat, rectangular pan at the bottom of the fridge.
  3. Carefully pull this pan from underneath your refrigerator. Keep in mind that it may be full of water, so remove it gently.
  4. Inspect the damages for cracks or holes that water could leak through. If the pan is more than one-third full, it could be damaged.
  5. If you suspect damage, take it to a hardware store to find a replacement. You may also be able to get a free replacement under your manufacturer’s warranty if you have one.

Blocked Defrost Drain

There’s an opening inside your freezer compartment that allows humid air to escape. According to Amy Wampler, CEO of HVAC and refrigeration company Spartan Mechanical, an overstuffed freezer compartment can block the defrost drain. She added that a stuffed freezer also forces your refrigerator’s coils to work harder, thus adding extra condensation build-up that can’t drain out. To see if this is the reason for your fridge leaking, Wampler advised to follow these steps:

  1. Locate the defrost drain that’s in the freezer section of your appliance. It should be along the bottom back wall. Remove any food items covering it, and be sure there’s a clear path from the drain to your fridge’s ceiling.
  2. Wait a day or so to see if the problem resolves. If not, empty the freezer, unplug your appliance and remove the defrost drain cap.
  3. Take a turkey baster and fill it with warm water, dripping the contents into the drain. This is meant to thaw any frozen clogs in your line.
  4. Excess water may enter your drip pan — keep an eye on its contents and empty it if necessary. If no water comes out of your defrost drain, the blockage may still be there.
  5. In this case, unplug your fridge, pull it away from the wall and check the drain line. If you notice a clog, use a bottle brush or pipe cleaner to clear it.

Defective Ice Maker

A common problem for refrigerators is a defective ice maker. Typically, the problem stems from a simple ice jam. Review these steps to see how you can identify issues with your ice maker.

  1. Take a look at your refrigerator’s ice maker. If you notice ice buildup, pour a cup of hot water down its chute to clear the clump. Be sure to place a large bowl below the dispenser to catch any ice or water that may spill out.
  2. Test the ice maker to see if it starts working properly. Keep an eye out for leaks over the next few days, which may signal that your problem is elsewhere.
  3. If your leak persists, the problem may stem from a fill valve and fill cup misalignment or an expired water filter.
  4. To further investigate the issue, contact a skilled technician who will be able to identify and resolve your specific problem.